KS 40-1 (formerly KS 406 / KS 407) - an integrated, universal controller designed for processes related to temperature control.
The regulation takes place in the two-position, three-position or three-position crotch mode. The regulator is equipped with 3 relay outputs (optionally transistor output). The second analog input can control the heating current continuously or setpoint. Blue Port, front interface and configuration tools working on a PC allow you to choose the most effective solution for the application control. In Blue Control, you can choose the control mode, functions and parameters exactly as they work best for your system.
Basic technical data:
- 3 output relays or 2 relays + transistor output (continuous-logic)
- one universal input INP1
- second auxiliary input (external setpoint, heating current measurement and others)
- ModBus RTU, RS422 / 485 communication
- BluePort connector for configuring controller settings from a computer
- stepper three-step regulator with time-dependent backwater
- one-way controller
- digital control inputs,
- self-tuning (seltuning)
- four-segment programmer
- auto / manual switch
- time functions
- clear LCD display
- 3 types of housing
- DIN EN 14597
Examples of configuration numbers:
- KS40-100-00000-000
- KS40-110-0000E-000
- KS40-112-10000-000
- KS40-112-0000E-000
- KS42-110-0000E-000
- KS41-110-0000E-000
- burners
- furnaces
- climate chambers
- driers
- thermal treatment
- sterilizers
- packaging machines
- production of food products
- laboratories
- extruders
- control with theoretical feedback